the motherhood gift box
as Maya Angelou once said, mothers are our first teachers and our first loves. this gift box is a tribute to all (future) mothers. It's a way of remembering and honouring this special period in life: becoming a mother.
as a mother, we sometimes get so caught up in taking care of others, that we forget to take care of ourselves. so this one is for the mothers. In the box, you’ll find Carolijn’s book "motherhood, a memoir of our first year”. alongside this, we’ve added one of our all-time favourites, the giant swaddle.
about the book
Carolijn's memoirs about that first year with her daughter are so genuine, moving, recognizable and above all comforting. to know that we've all been there. it's beyond beautiful how she put into words all you go through when becoming a mother. the book consists of short stories, so you could even read only one page if that's all the time you have ;-)
optionally, you could choose to add the beautiful fine art print made by tijanadraws. inspired by Carolijn’s book Tijana made this incredible painting. a picture tells more than a thousand words and to us, this picture captures it all. finding beauty and strength in the solitude and calm of sleepless nights while nursing your baby. and the beautiful moon reflecting light from the sun is a little nod to an.nur meaning the light in Arabic.
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